The Kitschen....
Well.. today is day 4 work as a part time staff in Kitschen...
"how was it?" ...one work to discribe...."INSANE"
Work none stop from the morning until night time...
NO CHAIRS----- stand for 8 hours (min) without it? crazy ====stupid Kitschen
NO SYSTEMATIC ---- everything is in a MESS!include lebeling,stock arrange,display item etc..the craziest staff is....ask staff go and look in the store (with thousand pieces of clothes) whether got XXxx dress ====stupid Kitschen.
NOT FLEXIBLE----there is one of the staff in told us that she was headache and ask whether she can leave the working place so that she can take a good rest...guess what the staff said (not so sure whether is BM or the BS said... ) .."go eat PANADOL"....?????====wordless to Kitschen
NO ENCOURAGEMENT---for me.. i just need a chair... and don't ask me to do staff when i justed plan to have a short rest...! (while the others have rested for the whole day!)...but for the permernant one...don't you think that they need chair? more commision or increase salary?since that kitschen/nichii (they are under the same company) lack of people... which mean tat the staff have to do more work... why don't just give more bonus to encourage? understandable if the company doesn't do well in the sales? what if a free meal? a staff night?
No....Cannot thing of it!
However... staff there are very friendlyl... they work hard.. but they don't get enought of the return for what they have done these days...?
"how was it?" ...one work to discribe...."INSANE"
Work none stop from the morning until night time...
NO CHAIRS----- stand for 8 hours (min) without it? crazy ====stupid Kitschen
NO SYSTEMATIC ---- everything is in a MESS!include lebeling,stock arrange,display item etc..the craziest staff is....ask staff go and look in the store (with thousand pieces of clothes) whether got XXxx dress ====stupid Kitschen.
NOT FLEXIBLE----there is one of the staff in told us that she was headache and ask whether she can leave the working place so that she can take a good rest...guess what the staff said (not so sure whether is BM or the BS said... ) .."go eat PANADOL"....?????====wordless to Kitschen
NO ENCOURAGEMENT---for me.. i just need a chair... and don't ask me to do staff when i justed plan to have a short rest...! (while the others have rested for the whole day!)...but for the permernant one...don't you think that they need chair? more commision or increase salary?since that kitschen/nichii (they are under the same company) lack of people... which mean tat the staff have to do more work... why don't just give more bonus to encourage? understandable if the company doesn't do well in the sales? what if a free meal? a staff night?
No....Cannot thing of it!
However... staff there are very friendlyl... they work hard.. but they don't get enought of the return for what they have done these days...?
MEAT The Chief assailant of Human Body II -(compiled by Soon Guo Sen)

Most people who consume fish are able to eat about half a ton of fish in their life time. Every year, many countries are continually fighting over the risht to catch fish. Nowadays the fishing industries have greatly polluted the sea water and lead to the destruction of ecological life.
The Breeding of fishh and prawns which undergoes aritificial fertilization is being caged under the sea. They are forced to feed an chemical pellets antibiotics so as to prevent the growth of sea-fleas. In this way, the fishermen can produce thousands and millions of fish and prawns so as to be sold in market-place daily.
Nowadays, the seas and oceans are polluted with about ten million types of chemical products. People who consumes fish are slowly accumulating chemicals such as POLY CHLORINATED, BI-PHENYLS in their body. This will lead to difficulty in giving birth, paralysis, mercury poisoning, inflammation of liver, poisoning by decaying fish ...etc..
And the worst part is the greedy men overcatch the fish and hence the amount of living fish is greatly reduced. On top of that , the fishermen are facing the degeneration of the fishing industry, with problems concerning boats, machinery and expensive workforce.....So nowadays, they prefer to rear fish and prawns by using artificial fertilization in which the sperms are being injected into the ovums.
For the infomation...Fish does not belong to the cold-blooded family.Under pressure their hearts vibrate violently and they experience great pain in their nervous systems and brains. So they try to ease themselves by breathing faster. On top of that, their ability of immunization is also reduced.
Well... when a fish is being hooked, the injured month opens widely to breathe. It is experience great suffering...(imagine that you got hooked ......ouch!)It twist and turns until it is so tired. Finally, it is choked to death......(Pity Pity Pity..)
And when the fish is being hooked by a line with baits, the mouth is severely torn because it tries to disentangle itself. When the fish knows it is on the hook, it knows that it is finished. And out of hatred and anger, it dies with a body which is contaminated with poisonous elements....
Because of the lack of space of natural movement, millions of fish are unable to maintain proper growth of their skin structure. These fish are indeed pitiful for their only impression of great sea is just as big and wide as their dwelling place.
As there is no rule nor control over the siz of Aquaculture, Farms neither are there steps taken to chek the degrees of pollution of fish by antibiotics and pellets, most of fish suffer from skin diseases, cancer, and infectious diseases and others....
The life of the fish is greatly threatened when they are alive as they undergo extreme tortures and sufferings(while people are enjoying .....)Worst of all they are left to suffer hunger a few weeks before their death so as to clear up their intestines and stomach. By doing so the stomach will be free from the accumulation of waste products during cutting process.,...Some fish die because they are hit on the head...some die because of the loss of blood when they stomach are slit by a sharp knife...and some of them die from suffocation among the ice pieces... these happening are the very cruel punishment that can be found in the human realm.....
Just take a look at the fish monger who separated the head and body of the fish alive... the fish head and mouth were still moving.... and the two eyes that were widely open were still staring... another fish was cut and the intestine were being pulled out... all the internal organs were removed and get the fish were still twisting and struggling for life! this is bloody cruel and acute torturing... and it is the revelation of th erotation of power between the strong ones and the weakers one....

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