13 条评论:
i love meat! :) Life is short, eat well, sleep well, live well :)
i think that as long you eat healthily, then being a meat-eater or not is immaterial. Because too much of a thing is not good. Just like water, if u drink too much,it isn't good for ur body too!
but to each its own. as long as we live happily, do the right things, smile more, then being vegetarian or carnivorous, we will still enjoy a long and meaningful life, no? :)
Take care :)
Life is not short..
and died is not the end..
Lifecycle exist in the world..
We will never know how terrible is the consequences that is causing in having meats...
Hrm, well maybe it is too deep for you to understand this... Lets talk about science that you are familier with...
Well, as you mention, life is short so we have to treasure every single moment in order to sleep well, eat well and even to have a healthy life... and in order to acheive that, people need to have a right mind set (eat healthy = vegetarian)
For your information that there are nitrogen, carcass poisoning, chlolesterol, uric acit, urine elements, the infection of poisonous diseases, chemical poisionings, DDT poisoning, antibiotics poisioning, the decaying and death of cells which are in infected by bacteria ......etc in the meat compound...
And it lead to HARDENING of blood vessels, the growth of stones in the kidney and gall-bladder, coronary disease, diabetes, high blood presure, the hardening of liver, CANCER, obese, pancreatities, the inflammation of joints, haemorrhoids, the disease of intestines and stomach, osteopetrosis, fatigue, the mad cow disease, swelling and crookedness of vein vessel, Diverticulum, SALMONELLA(food poisoning caused by bacteria infection) UlCER in the stomach,and even LUMP..etc...
People might not see any of the effects now of you might have... but when people grow older trouble will come one by one.. how we live well and happy if all the sickness attacking us? prevention is the best way.. isn't it?
About the water part... as i know...70% of our body is consist of water, and according to a nutrision if we drink more water it would actually cure all kind of sickness slowly ..such as cholestrol, blood preasure, headache, regulate appitite and etc...
wow... but i still love meat!
talking about science point of view, fish provides high protein,high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are heart-friendly, and a regular diet of fish is highly recommended by nutritionists. This is conjectured to be one of the major causes of reduced risk for cardiovascular diseases in Eskimos. It has been suggested that the longer lifespan of Japanese and Nordic populations may be partially due to their higher consumption of fish and seafood. The Mediterranean diet is likewise based on a rich intake of fish. Fish are also great for the skin. Nutritionists recommend that fish be eaten at least 2-3 times a week.
Several forms of meat are high in vitamin K2,Red meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, contains many essential nutrients necessary for healthy growth and development in children. Nutrients in red meat include iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and protein. Most meats contain a full complement of the amino acids required for the human diet. Fruits and vegetables, by contrast, are usually lacking several essential amino acids contained in meat. It is for this reason that people who abstain from eating all meat need to plan their diet carefully to include sources of all the necessary amino acids.
A 1999 metastudy compared five major studies from western countries. The study found that the mortality ratio was the LOWEST in fish eaters (meaning ppl who eat fih LIVE LONGEST)followed by vegetarians and occasional meat eaters, and was then followed by regular meat eaters and vegans (which is surprising since vegans eat ONLY vegetables).
If ur a true-blood vegetarian, then i guess the potential benefits are endless. but if ur like a vegetarian friend of mine who eats vegetarian maggie mee virtually every day, fried Faux meat (fake meat), then you know what i mean.
And of course i know what u mean.it's not that deep. haha. But i guess due to differing religions, i don't believe in life cycles.
what i'm trying to say is, balanced nutrition is the best. i don wanna live a long life if i'm deaf, blind and unable to walk when i grow old(which may have nothing to do with my diet). i wanna enjoy God's grace and gift He has given in my life. Even if i'm sick one day, i can choose to live happily :)
I'm not saying being vegetarian is wrong. It's good! In fact, it should be encouraged! (eating more vege i mean) And God wants us to respect people and their diets. So i really salute vege people because i know i can't resist KFC. haha! Just giving u a perspective from meat lovers out there :) Janganlah marah-marah,and don't feel offended, this is healthy debate :)
PS: Nothing is safe anymore, vege is polluted by parasites and pesticides, water is also polluted. but it's true that too much water is not good. i'm biology teacher ma :)
Take care. God bless :)
oh.. and DDT is sprayed on plants.. so,erm..haha,sorry,i just couldn't resist, bio teacher ma
You both have different views about this topic, which in my opinion, they're both logical. Most importantly, we respect each others point of view.
To your statement "but if ur like a vegetarian friend of mine who eats vegetarian maggie mee virtually every day, fried Faux meat (fake meat)" - Just in case I'm the person you are referring to, allow me to clarify that I rarely eat maggie mee nowadays, and eliminating fake meat. Instead I turn to fruits and vegetables. soybean is my main source of protein (hence the new blending machine :) ). My weight and blood pressure (finally I've can donate blood:) After the next donation, I will be able to donate every 2 weeks. They call that process apheresis) are both a testament to that.
Amitofo/God bless the both of you:)
Vernon! :)
Eating vege is very very very good! who said anything about that not being good?!?!? in fact,i've been trying to get kang hui to eat his greens by cooking more vege, cos he's getting a little overweight. lol. glad ur getting rid of your meat analogues and turning to soya bean which taste great btw.
when it comes to eating healthy=vegetarian,i beg to differ. because as proposed by that metastudy, fish eaters live longer. but u know scientist la,one day soya bean is good, the next day it causes breast cancer.
if u say healthy=vege+small amounts of meat+ exercise+positive thinking+religion then i agree.
but i totally respect vegetarians who stick to their diet due to piousness, religion and on humanitarian grounds ie not killing animals. but if it's for the sake of health, then like what the elders said, a little meat wouldn't hurt, and they don turn us into chu seng/animals, neither would it be the no 1 killer :)
shanny,no hard feelings ya, opinions are just opinions :)and it's learning about what others think that we grow and mature. and i totally respect yours :) take care
i rest my case
Agree with your thoughts. As for Darren's weight issues, I'm sure we'll be able to find a way to work that out (no wonder he's been wanting to go to the gym every weekend. I see where the pressure is coming from ;p...joking)
Thank you for the encouragement:)It means a lot. Next on the list is "Home-Style Potato Rolls" (Darren will definitely like this as it's going to be made out of mashed potatoes... Ha ha ha).
In my opinion, Shanny's thoughts and ideas are based on certain virtuous Buddhist teachings about the way of life (Shanny, feel free to comment if I perceived you wrongly).
Well, there is often 2 sides to a story. For example, about soybeans. The keyword here is "balance", as you've mentioned in your previous post.
Oh well, that's all from me. As people in the corporate world would say, "Any other issues, we'll discuss it offline" :)
Amitofo/God bless the both of you :)
Different people have different view...
Perhaps... we will find out who have the stongest view in the future....
And am not that silly person who will get angry that fast...plus.. i agree that it is just and arguements with different points/view...
ps: there are vegie/fruits/beans that can replace meat...vegetarian and balance their diet too.. friend of yours is just a beginner sometimes people need time to change and think...but still he is animal free who have a heart of kind and compassionate..
Vernon: yes.. my basic concept was from the buddisht teaching.. however... it has been concern and proven by alot of non buddisht PHD professor ... we don't talk about religion to people who is not the same religion with us (should have talk more on facts that proven)... it is a sensetive topic...
Understand and agree. As mentioned by the Dalai Lama, we are all the same. We may have different backgrounds, different beliefs etc. But still, we are all human beings. Therefore, if we can put our difference aside (such as religion), there will be better communication amongst people.
Amitofo :)